Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Eyebrows Speak Louder Than Words

So, the time is finally here... I'm talking about my one true love... Brows. Sorry to my fiancĂ©, it was a close call...But in all serious-ness this is something in my life that has actually been a struggle. I know, how pathetic do I sound? When I was younger I constantly over plucked and CONTINUED to do so up until about 3 years ago. Just the other day I was looking at old photos of myself and my eyebrows are literally non-existence. It makes me cringe. It probably wasn't until I started getting really into watching youtube tutorials that it hit me how important eyebrows were. I started growing them out and finding new ways to fill them in as I went

just kidding... have both 

The first pencil I bought was Revlon Brow Fantasy which basically just helped me fill in all the sparse areas and then comb through and set with the gel. Then from there I started using the Brow Bar To Go as I preferred powder over pencil for my thin, unshaped brows. The kit came with 2 powders and a gel, using a small angled brush I used the darkest shadow on the outer half and the lightest on the inner then set with the gel. Once my eyebrows started taking on a fuller shape and my fire fueled for full brows like Carli Bybel, I then tried the Anastasia Brow Wiz which I am still obsessed with! This pencil is such a thin tip you can really fill in the brow so slowly and perfectly which works amazing when you are still in the process of growing out them brows as you can really manipulate your shape! I know the growing out process is SLOW and all you want to do it PLUCK but stay strong and just tell your friends, even strangers... not to look you in the eye. Your crazy brows might scare people. Not saying that happened to me or anything, but just saying...


before + after
the power of brows...

I met my holy grail product in October of this year and I haven't looked back since... In case you were living on a dessert island with no Sephora or social media, I introduce you to Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow This stuff is INSANE! I always worry about my eyebrows slipping and sliding off in the hot months of summer. Even though I have grown my eyesbrows into a thicker shape, it has not made them fuller after years of tweezer abuse. I have to WORK to fill those bad boys in, and on their own they are not pretty so especially when it comes to summer time, I want my brows to stick. I promise I'm not one of those wear make up to the beach kind of girls, but I am a eyebrow game strong 24/7 kind of girl. So not only is this product waterproof but it goes on really creamy and blends like a dream. Right now I'm wearing Soft Brown, which is a bit dark for my hair as I'm in the process of heading back to a blonder shade but it's just personal preference that I like my brows to be bold and dark but you do you, boo. The pomade comes in tons of options for shades so if you prefer slightly less aggressive eyebrows, they got you covered!

As far as how I shade them in and create a strong tail, I keep the tail ends of my eyebrows fairly thin. I just feel it's easier to create the arch I want and then round it out and finish off the tail with a clean thin line. I always start with the pomade on a small angled brush and draw a light line on the bottom of the brows, from there I use the brush to blend upwards, starting at the middle of the brow, then I round out the arch, fill in the tail and use whatever is left over on the brush to shade in the inner quarter of the brow. Always remember to make the darkest part of the brow the OUTER, and the lightest on the INNER!  Not my photo below but I just wanted to share as some inspo! I'm awful at taking how-to photos but these are the exact steps I take to create the perfect brow

credit: chrisspymakeup


my L O V E S 

"Some are born with great eyebrows
Some achieve great eyebrows
Some have great eyebrows drawn upon them"

'til next time...

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